Broken Series (En-)

The broken group is controlled by a separate set of genes from all the other colors and can be combined with ANY of them, so it is possible to talk about brokens and broken patterns without talking about any of the other colors they are carrying.

Any recognized color (plus harlequin) can be combined with the broken pattern in Rex. When a harlequin is combined with broken, it becomes a tri. When the broken gene is homozygous, the result is called a “Charlie” - it usually has very little color.

Most broken varieties need to be heterozygous (Enen) in order to have sufficient color to be showable.

Color A B C D E En
Broken Enen
Charlie EnEn
Self enen All of the selfs are homozygous enen
pooky-2008-08-24-119.jpg jasmine-04-01-01.jpg pf15-2008-08-24-104.jpg
too much color [Enen] broken [Enen] broken [Enen]
(broken calls for 10-50% color) (lilac) (blue otter)
kelos-04-01-01.jpg pongo-2008-10-19-022.jpg 2008-10-28-012b.jpg
'false' charlie [Enen] Charlie [EnEn] Charlie [EnEn]
(chinchilla) (tri-color) (black)

Additional References:

Albino (cc)

Albino comes from the Color gene (C) and is recessive to all others. The effect of the albino gene is to PREVENT ALL COLOR, so it makes no sense to talk about the albino gene in combination with any other color (even broken) because if a rabbit is homozygous for albinism it is impossible to see what any of the other genes are - even though they are still there.

Albino masks ALL color. There is a different gene for blue-eyed white which Rex rarely have.

Since albino lies on the C-Series locus, AND since it is the most recessive of the alleles in that set, thatmeasn that a REW rabbit will never be able to pass on:

  1. C for full colour
  2. Cchd for (dark) chinchilla
  3. Cchl for sable (aka light chinchilla)
  4. ch for Himalayan

Any of those that pop up in a breeding with a REW come from the other parent.

Color A B C D E En
Red-Eyed White cc
  • coat_colors_misc.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/03/27 20:48
  • by becker